Saturday, July 11, 2009

A serious questions for Democrats?

I have been wondering if any of you out there can explain to me why the democratic runners in Thursdays debate could only talk about the war, IE: everything contrary to present, yet they had nothing to say about changing the Great economy and low unemployment rate; furthermore, have any of you seen the Dow. Over 13,000. Prosperous times like these NEVER happened under a democrat. So, to my original question. Please educate me on the fact that the candidates had nothing to say about that, and are more concerned about raising the white flag and giving terrorist a clear victory, which would put our country in great danger.


Just curious

A serious questions for Democrats?auto loan

I am not a democrat but if you would indulge me I would like to offer a thought.

As a person of wisdom (that means getting a bit older), I have watched these two parties a lot of years and have learned quite a bit by this observation. Pretty much since Vietnam, the democrats have nothing to offer, they were great before, helping victims of society, they did so well there are no more victims, but the dems failed to change and are still stuck in the 60%26#039;s, so it is always about victims. They have now taken a great leap and gone from helping victims to trying to force socialism on AMerica.

They have no new ideas (ie not liberals), they can only criticize and never offer any real solution other than increase government in size, cost and control of your lives.

This is not something Americans want.

In the last election voters said we believe the current majority are showing a bit of corruption, so lets give the other side a try. What you have seen since are witch hunts and hate bush, nothing has come of it, except of course a lot of corruption, ie reid land deal, pelosi tuna deal, feinstein milking her committee position for millions, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

I forgot to add, the answers you get will clearly show that there is no vision other than socialist utopia madness and hate bush and hate the war, it is all they can say.

A serious questions for Democrats?


Their not going to touch this one|||Well I will be as honest with you as possible. The only real headway that the democratic party knows it has regardless of the position of the individual candidate is the war. It is their only chance, and thats fair enough. Lemme just go off topic for a second, honestly the debate was boring as hell and I left halfway through it. After reading some of;s suggested Do%26#039;s and Don%26#039;ts I was kind of hoping the individual candidates would do exactly what MSNBC told them not to do. It would%26#039;ve made for a much more interesting debate.|||Well first, we had low unemployment and high stock prices all through Clinton%26#039;s two terms, and low inflation, and a budget surplus on top of that...

So your proposition that %26quot;these have NEVER happened under a dem%26quot; is complete bullsh*t...

Also, I invite you to go down to your grocery store and see how much food they%26#039;ll hand over just because the stock market went up today.

I think you%26#039;ll find they still require cash.

Much of the so called %26quot;prosperity%26quot; of recent times has been built on corporate policies involving the outsourcing of American jobs overseas. A great many people in this country have seen their jobs disappear, their incomes stagnate. This has been going on since 1980 or so.

The lower and middle classes have not been benefiting from this %26quot;prosperity,%26quot; they have been caused to sacrifice in the name of it.

%26quot;Prosperity%26quot; that is only of any practical use to the privileged minority that controls the private economy, isn%26#039;t %26quot;prosperity%26quot; at all.

However, the war is clearly the more pressing issue. It is grossly more expensive than any of its proponents ever dared suggest it was going to be, there is no evidence any of them has the slightest idea how to resolve it, or that it is doing a single thing to ameliorate the threat of random terrorism (in fact it may very well be doing the opposite), it is tying up the bulk of our military resources, again with no prospect of any resolution, and it is contributing to the highest budget deficits the govt has ever incurred.

It is a textbook case of an incompetently undertaken military adventure.

There is absolutely no reason to suppose any terrorist is being stopped from coming to America to do his business because of it.

Your insistence that it%26#039;s somehow vital to the nation to keep up this farce is laughable, contemptible and disgusting.

Seriously, could you fools possibly be a more pusillanimous

flock of chickensh*ts? I doubt it.|||It%26#039;s simple. Iraq is the main issue on about 80% of Americans minds right now. Gee|||I%26#039;m a democrat. This argument has various forms, the most common of which is, %26quot;Why is the police officer arresting me?! Why aren%26#039;t they after a serious criminal like a murderer?!%26quot;

I agree with the facts. I am NOT a liberal or socialist, and face both down constantly. My family is formerly Islamic (in the 1950s) and we expected this war a long time ago, President Bush just jumped in earlier than Islam expected or was ready for.

Why would the leaders of my party address this issue? It serves no purpose for them. Second, there is no reason to let go of the war issue to discuss Republican successes.

Does that make sense? I%26#039;m not talking about what is right or wrong here, just the reasoning.

I%26#039;m a patriot, first, and a democrat, second.

Keep speaking up.|||I think its because the Republican/ Bush war is the most glaringly distracting problem faced by this nation. Can you tell me why Bush had to ever have this war in the first place and why, as intelligent as some Republicans seemed to be at the time, they allowed it to happen?

We have hundreds of thousands killed for no apparent justification and no end in sight.

Bush%26#039;s war is not supported by most of the American people and Bush and his Republican supporters need to be held accountable - forget the attacks on civil liberties, the Constitution, the balance of powers, the poor record on the environment, disastrous foreign relations, venal criminality and corruption, attacks on the separation between church and state and the well fare for the rich with the Bush tax cuts....lets hammer this war issue some more. You guys started it and ran the game for 6 years.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost.|||This great economy you see is not much in evidence here in the nation%26#039;s capital.

We have several friends who are professionals, who have worked for a decade or more, and who have been out of work for a year or more. Immigrants are doing their work.

Our friends with 20 years experience in construction hobble along on side jobs, while all the salaried jobs have gone to the immigrants.

Our friends in the mortgage industry are going bankrupt, and no one is doing their jobs.

The Dow only reflects rich people%26#039;s optimism about how they will do in the future - and with the dems voting to end this damnable war, things are looking better. That%26#039;s all the Dow reflects.

As far as the debate last night, was it on the war? rather than domestic topics? I can see there was a moderator asking questions.

In addition, what is more important that the US using its might and wealth to torture, sometime to death, innocent Iraqis, and to murder 100,000 or more iraqis in an attempt to liberate them. There is no other topic to debate, really, as long as we are engaged in mass murder and the incitement of civil unrest at the behest of the lying, thieving, gangster in the white house.

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