Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My husband quit his job last last summer and i had major surgery at this same time. our bills got ve

I can handle rent, utilities, food, insurance and so on, but i haven%26#039;t been able to pay my three credit cards. we live in michigan and my husban hasn%26#039;t been able to find another job. i owe arount 2,000 on three credit cards. will they take you to court? i really don%26#039;t know what to do. i tried a credit counseling place, but the credit card companies wouldn%26#039;t accept their offers. we are also paying the IRS monthly because of not having anything to claim every year, so that added up. every day seems like a nightmare. please help.

My husband quit his job last last summer and i had major surgery at this same time. our bills got very behind

This happens all too often.. I know that on each credit card you have a minimum payment. and as long as you keep paying this mininum you will not be sent to collections.. HOWEVER the minimum is normally enough to only cover the interest, so consider payin a little more than the mininum.. And honestly if hubby can%26#039;t find work for over a year maybe he isnt lookin in right places. or looking for work that doesn%26#039;t exist. I would suggest you tell him its time to consider a new career~

My husband quit his job last last summer and i had major surgery at this same time. our bills got very behind loan

Try reasoning with the credit card companies again. Either they take the offers or you declare bankruptcy right? They can get their money overtime, or they won%26#039;t get a penny. Put it in those terms and see what they would prefer.|||Check with your town officials to see if there is some kind of program in your community to help you guys get back on your feet.

I don%26#039;t mean to sound crude, but, there%26#039;s GOTTA be a job out there! Why did your husband quit his job, anyway? If he doesn%26#039;t like the conditions, it%26#039;s better than not having a job at


Good luck.|||Having lived in Michigan I compleatly understand and sympothize with your situation.

I can%26#039;t believe that the credit card companies have refused the credit counsleors offers. Usually the credit counsleors have been doing this for so long they know exactly what to offer and what the companies will take. I don%26#039;t know who you used but I have used Greenpath Debt Solutions and they were wonderful (www.greenpath.com).

Have you contacted your local Department of Human Services. It sounds like you have no income and they should be able to assist you with rent and food (http://www.michigan.gov/dhs). Also you should try contacting your local Michigan Works office to help your husband find a job.

My mother has been a vollunteer services coordinator with the State of Michigan for more than 30 years. If you go and fill out papers and they tell you that they cannot help you for some reason or another ask to speak with their vollunteer services coordinator. This person can often help you find assistance that is not necessarily income based (for example, I have some friends who both work full time but they were behind on their mortgage to the point of forclosure, the did not qualify for assistance because your income has to be almost non existant to qualify...she was able to help them with a grant she had access to that paid one month%26#039;s mortgage payement).

We wound up having to move to another state with a better income base to find better jobs. Unfourtonatly Michigan is last in the nation when it comes to unemployment. It is a difficult situation, too bad Granholm couldn%26#039;t make it better. Good luck and hang in there!

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