Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Show me one god damn person in this country who is starving to death...?

I%26#039;ll personally grill them up a steak dinner. I am sick of hearing poeople complain about the standard of living for the poor in this country. Drive through any of the poor neighborhoods in this country and you will undoubtably find able bodied individuals playing checkers and drinking beer in the middle of the work week. The unemployment rate is at an all time low, and we still have people clamoring across the border finding jobs at a record pace. We give every boy and girl free education, and when they turn 18 a credit card company is more than willing to extend them credit they have not yet earned. If you *** that up than your just a plain idiot and deserve to live in poverty(microwave, color tv, cable, internet, airconditioning, natty ice....). How many minorities in your public school elected honors or ap classes? (By the way I am a minority, so I don%26#039;t have to follow pc standards or something.) No more hand outs, please

Show me one god damn person in this country who is starving to death...?credit union

Yeah its such a shame...

unlike other countries our poor are starving because of laziness

we have so much welfare and its so easy to get it

90% of our homeless are drunkards who would rather drink than to pay mortgage

who would rather buy beer than a sandwich ...

who would rather live in the %26quot;ghetto: on metro housing living food stamps to foodstamps and assistance check to Social security checks...

if they are starving (adults) its because they CHOOSE to... yet some american people think they are a product of circumstance...

a victim of society




I do not and will not EVER take pity on such people!!

they bring it upon themself!

they can change and better themself at any givin time.....

but choose not too....

put the beer down and go get a job...

Show me one god damn person in this country who is starving to death...?


I agree 100%

I%26#039;m sick and tired of do-gooders whining about %26quot;the poor%26quot;. America is a Land of Opportunity. The only excuse for not making it in the US is laziness, which isn%26#039;t a real excuse anyhow. We need to end all these wasteful social entitlememts, welfare, social security, Medicare, etc.

F*cx the poor! They are worthless!|||You are clueless. Enjoy your ignorance!








EDIT: So you %26quot;own a business%26quot; in a miami ghetto? So what? That makes you Mother Teresa? Hmmmm.....sounds to me like you have no problem making money off of the very people you%26#039;re bad-mouthing....Sounds to me like your perspective is a little scewed, to put it mildly, and perverted to put it more accurately. Your own personal experience is NOT speaking for the poverty in the whole country. I%26#039;m sorry you know %26quot;lazy%26quot; people but it is SIMPLE-MINDED to extrapolate that scenario over the entire country.

YOU NEED TO READ MORE.|||me|||totally right...those people who complain about the poor in this country has never seen the poor in other countries...especially in third world countries...|||wow, your a moron. so how much time do you spend in the inner city?

i arrest starving people that commit crimes just to get three hot and a cot. yeah the unemployment rates are low, but those are low wage no benifit jobs.

btw, you can still be a minority and be racist.

you win!|||I understand your frustration, but I%26#039;m gonna politely ask that you don%26#039;t use the Lords name in vain .

Thank you and God Bless !!|||Wow. I%26#039;m sure the single mother working two jobs who goes to the local food pantry to make sure her kids have enough to eat would agree with you also.

Saying you are minority so you dont have to follow PC is ridiculous, that doesn%26#039;t give you a license to be a jerk. One could make the argument that the only reason you are doing well is because as a minority affirmative action helped you out. Compassionate conservative indeed.|||Yeah, a steak dinner is exactly what they need.

Your hitler mustache is showing.|||I agree to a point. But, there are kids living in horrible conditions, and its not their fault that they are in the situation. They can%26#039;t be held accountable for their parents. They aren%26#039;t old enough to go out and make it on their own, and all of our children are our future. They%26#039;ll be the ones voting someday, and helping to take care of this country, and we owe them something, don%26#039;t we?|||You don%26#039;t look hard enough. There are people everywhere who survive from the good deeds, help and support of others.. You want these people to no longer exist? Or do you want the good deeds to end?|||Come work a 12 hour shift in a south central LA, hospital.

I recognize your argument, and agree it has some merit. However, there are suffering people in this country. I assume you are not one of them and have never missed a meal in your life. Try looking at the world from a different view than that of your middle class tract home.|||Don%26#039;t get me wrong I agree with you on most accounts. But if you are a minority, some may call you an Uncle Tom.|||go to a WIC clininc and find the babies and the mothers that have been left behind by the people playing cards in the street. Then tell me that it is worth it. Sorry, but taking a minute to drive through a bad neighborhood and observe through your car window (locked, no doubt..for you are afraid of what a poor person might do out of desperation) does not qualify you as knoweldgeable on the subject. Oh, and cut my disabled brother off of SSDI, and he WILL starve to death. Thank god you are out of touch with reality...it isn%26#039;t pretty...and all you haver to do to keep yourself and your family safe is to pay your taxes...you don;t have to even look at the problem.|||I can show you plenty of %26quot;god damn%26quot; people who are starving in this country, and it sickens me when I listen to pompous-***, arrogant people like you who have no comprehension about poverty, which is one of our most disgraceful national tragedies.

I have lived in Washington, DC where a %26quot;working couple%26quot; are still living in a cardboard box because they can%26#039;t put together enough money for a deposit on a rat-infested ghetto apartment, all because a greedy landlord demands $1,200-a-month for such shoddy living quarters.

Look around you: in the swanky suburbs where all those %26quot;successful%26quot; people live, public schools have Olympic-size swimming pools, fancy classrooms, and buildings in good repair. Go to the ghetto and see the %26quot;free education%26quot; most poor black children get: run-down schools that need to be bulldozed over and replaced; fewer instructional aids; even fewer teachers; and none of the fancy-schmancy accouterments you see in the suburban high schools where the %26#039;livin%26#039; is easy%26#039;. (By the way, do you do any volunteer work, such as Junior Achievement that might educate, inspire and motivate kids? I didn%26#039;t think so).

It%26#039;s easy for those of us who went to better schools, had an opportunity for further education, %26quot;look good%26quot;, can speak with some degree of intelligence, or have the right %26#039;connections%26#039; to criticize those who have always been down on their luck, and were never privy to such special opportunities.

It%26#039;s easy for those of us who have %26quot;worked their way up%26quot; to stroke our egos and say, %26quot;I did it, why can%26#039;t you?%26quot; Well, for every person who achieved some financial success in life (usually just because of a lucky break), there are millions who don%26#039;t. Millions who have experienced a lifetime run of bad luck, unfortunate circumstances (yes, sometimes caused from their own poor decisions), and have become the downtrodden, browbeaten members of the wealthiest society on Earth.

Most of us love to brag about how hard we%26#039;ve worked for our success. The ugly fact is that in most cases it simply was the luck of the draw. There, in that ghetto with rain pouring through a leaky roof that a rich landlord won%26#039;t fix, goes a generation of poor people who have no future and little luck. So instead of you sitting on you high-horse and boasting about what a wonderful person you are, why not roll up your sleeves and participate in helping the young boy whose crack-addicted mother can%26#039;t feed him? Why not give that kid a steak dinner - and then spend a few hours of your week encouraging him, teaching him, mentoring him, and helping him to escape his circumstances. I%26#039;ll bet if you were honest with yourself, you had some %26quot;help%26quot; along the way (few of us are true %26#039;self-made%26#039; men or women). So, why can%26#039;t you leave your high-falutin%26#039; after-work cocktail hour on Thursday nights and go find some poor family in the dregs of society who need financial, emotional, physical, medical, and educational assistance? No, you%26#039;d rather let the government do that (and a mighty poor job they do, even with all the tax money you send them). After all, YOU got YOURS - that%26#039;s all that matters.

It%26#039;s pompous, arrogant, greedy, corrupt, selfish, loser like you that let the rest of our society down. Why not accept the fact that YOU have been blessed and - maybe - YOU should be SHARING your wealth, your knowledge, your compassion, and your love with others who are less fortunate. I%26#039;m sure most of those people would trade that steak dinner you%26#039;re offering for just a few hours of your time - and friendship - once a week. But you%26#039;re probably too much of a coward to do anything that might make you look like a humanitarian. Instead of flaunting your success, why not use it to help others succeed? Instead of criticizing those who %26quot;don%26#039;t work%26quot;, why not help to create jobs for them? Whether you like it or not, we were all put on this Earth to coexist with all other humans, plants and animals. Maybe it%26#039;s time you do your share of SHARING and spend less time complaining about those who aren%26#039;t as fortunate as you have been. -RKO- 05/04/07|||Here%26#039;s the low down, because I love you and you need to know. If you pay someone to work for you, they are never going to disagree with you. That may however embolden you to some outrageous thoughts. I can pretty much guarantee, that your employees agree with you because they want to get paid. Rest assured that you are not on their prayer list after pay day. Mainly because your a jerk, but more then likely because you talk alot of trash about people who used to be your peers and even more then likely you wouldn%26#039;t really listen to any of them anyway.

Count yourself lucky or blessed. But know this The tables do turn in this life. and when they do people remember who you were, when you %26quot;were%26quot; king of the hill.

I%26#039;ve seen happen over and over to many a good men. When they fall they fall hard, right into the poorest of the poor. God does this humble men, and it is amazing to watch.

If you really want to help the poor, grill up about 30 of those steaks and see how long they last in any major cities soup Kitchen. as homeless white folks devour them. Yeah I didn%26#039;t think so, That would literally eat into your profit margin. And we dont want that do we? (sarcasm)

Good luck and God Bless. %26lt;%26lt; Not Sarcasm

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