Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Is George Bush going to go down in history as a success or failure?

Ok, this is a opinion question, and i feel that Mr Bush has been a failure. I mean gas prices are at a all time high and going up, as well as oil prices, the economy is in shambles, the unemployment rate is rediculous and all Mr Bush seems to focus on is a meaningless war in Iraq that should not have taken place to begin with. Again, these our my opinions, i may be wrong and people will disagree, but i do respect all views and opinions, even those who say im wrong and disagree, what do you think? ps: And he wants billions upon billions of dollars more to continue funding the war in Iraq, couldnt that money be used to create jobs here, homes for the homeless?

Is George Bush going to go down in history as a success or failure?military loans

I think that the Bush administration, like any presidency, will have to wait at least a generation before we are able to analyze the full effects of its accomplishments and failures. His first term was clearly lackluster until the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Most Americans felt he responded extremely well in the next months by leading the country through a quick and seemingly successful war in Afghanistan. However, the chaotic conflict he began in Iraq will clearly overshadow the memory of Afghanistan.

This is why we will have to wait and see how the war in Iraq turns out before we can truly judge his presidency. If Iraq does not rebuild and grow into a functioning democracy (or at least a state that can support itself without resorting to the horrors of Saddam%26#039;s rule) then it is still possible for Bush to be remembered as a decisive and successful president. If Iraq continues to stagnate in a cycle of violence, however, Americans will rightly place much of the blame in lost lives and treasure on him.

We should also remember to not limit our judgement solely to Iraq. Conservatives may appreciate Bush%26#039;s Supreme Court appointees on the Roberts court for many years to come. Those in favor of looser interpretations of the Constitution will likely feel the opposite way. The plans to reform social security stalled in Congress, but Bush should be remembered for being the first politician in many years who spent major political capital in an attempt to reform the system. The prescription drug plan he approved will one day become an enormous item in the Federal budget. Finally, we should remember the administrations inaction in the global warming debate. Once again, the actions taken (or not taken) on these issues could end up being remembered as wise or disastrous based on what happens many years in the future.

Is George Bush going to go down in history as a success or failure?


I say failure|||Although I agree with you that Bush is a failure, I find it disturbing that you put gas prices first on your list.|||FAILURE|||failure|||a complete and total failure...his main claim to fame from his supporters is this incredible economy yet point out the fact that all stock indices tripled under Clinton and only have gone up a cumulative of 25% under Bush, they start making stuff up and stuttering like the little clown boys they are...it%26#039;s so sad

poor 007, idiotstick that he is.

numbers don%26#039;t lie

DOW under Bush 10,495-13,326

Dow under Clinton 3,371-11,497

S%26amp;P 500 Bush: 1240-1506

S%26amp;P 500 Clinton: 443-1439

owned again, bring some facts loser, how does it feel being a scumbag?|||This will be a hot button question for you, but I also say %26quot;Failure%26quot;.

Logically, how can anyone say otherwise? Bush apologists will say differently, of course, but I did say %26quot;logically%26quot;!|||His is a failure but with the fact that all records are sealed concerning Bush%26#039;s service in office, even when he was governor, the only thing the History books will say is: Bush administration - Classified information.|||Absolute flop and failure.

The Bush Administration has been the most embarrassing Administration in the history of America. There%26#039;s no way he could ever be seen as a success.|||He will probably go down as a mid-level president. The war in Iraq is divisive now, but, in a historical context, it could be seen as either very good or very bad. That depends on how terrorism goes from this point on. The economy is doing well, however. That is a plus for him.

Is he %26quot;great%26quot; or %26quot;horrible%26quot;? Probably he will be seen as neither.|||Complete failure in all.|||One of the greatest failures in American History. If anyone thinks otherwise, I would be willing to bet my truck on this one, and give them ten to one odds. Don%26#039;t talk about the homeless though, the neocons see that as weakness and will rip on you for being %26quot;soft%26quot;.|||He%26#039;s a dumbass, muderous, FAILURE! i hate to say it but thanks to him, the worldwide reputation of the US has gone from being respected to being hated by pretty much everyone.|||Definitely an opinion question. I agree with you 100%. If it wasn%26#039;t for the war, our economy would be in dire conditions. It isn%26#039;t all Bush%26#039;s fault is it? Well, maybe not all... at least not all his fault directly. 9/11 hurt us really bad, but going to war in Iraq was just as hurtful in every way but economically. Social programs need an overhaul and our poor people need an education to stay away from crime. With the money we spent in Iraq, we could have pretty much eradicated homelessness in America, re-positioned welfare so that it isn%26#039;t easily abused, and setup more low-income scholarships to give these people a chance.|||That POS George Bush is the greatest Fraud and Failure that was ever in the White House!

He has done more damage to this otherwise great country of ours than if 10,000 terrorists brought down every building in NYC!

IMPEACH THE BA$TARD! - And then turn him over to the War Crimes Commission so they can use those gallows on him that they have already prepared!|||1. Oil and gas prices are set by global demand... *not* Bush

2. The economy is booming.. the Dow is constantly breaking records. And unemployment is at a near all time low

3. The Islamic Jihadist need to be confronted. While Iraq isn%26#039;t the best of all possible situations no war ever is.

It constantly amazes me how the Liberal Left only sees doom and gloom everywhere and their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory is nothing less than astounding.|||George Bush has been a failure at everything he%26#039;s done, from running Arbusto to running this country, the only thing he%26#039;s ever been good at is being George Jr.|||Only time will tell.|||So if the price of gas is high because of George Bush. last year when it dropped by a dollar a gallon, was it because of him also ? Unemployment rate is below 5 % and has been for several months now. It is at the lowest rate in over a decade. Doesn%26#039;t seem like a shambles to me . In Michigan where the economy is in a shambles , I can credit our Democratic leaders for not giving employers incentives to stay in Michigan and all our state government does is talk about raising taxes.

As far as the war on terror. You say it is meaningless ? I say it is a battle for civilization as we know it today. would you rather we ignore terror in the hopes of it going away ? Sorry, I cannot agree that we should not attempt to stop all terror.

As far as our president going down in history as a success or failure. In the future he will be judged on that. His legacy still has until Jan. 09 to determine that. I will say it will be some of each.|||Utter and absolute failure.

Both in foreign and domestic policies.

If you feel safe now, you are neither aware or outraged enough.|||PLEASE BE HONEST!!!

Bush may not be a Great President but he hasn%26#039;t done that bad either.

1. Gas prices with regards to inflation is no higher now than when Clinton was pres. And if we could get to our own oil prices would go down.

2. The economy is doing good. The Dow which is a major indicator of the economy is at an all time high.

3. The unemployment rate is at a 4 decade low with more people working today than when Clinton had the BEST ECONOMY.

4. The charities are recieving more money today than when Clinton was Pres.

I%26#039;m so sick and tired of the Neo_libs throwing thing out about Bush that are totally false. Like the Economy is bad, Unemployment is high, Bush hates Black people. To me it looks like the %26#039;BIG LIE%26quot;. Say something long enough and people will start to believe it. HHMMM that sounds a lot like Grubbells for the NAZIS. And you call Bush Hitler.|||Its President Bush, not Mr.. The war has kept the USA safe since 911. The economy is better today then it was when President Clinton was in office. President Bush%26#039;s only failure is that he is not a true conservative. The war is not going well due to all the negative liberal garbage that is released each day by the anti-American media companies. The Democrats are not thinking about the USA%26#039;s best interest, they are using the War on Terror politically to bring down the Republicans.|||Bush is in some respects a failure i.e. controlling immigration. I agree w/ 007 that he definitely can be seen as a success. The Prez. is no longer a criminal lying scumbag like Clinton. Some of the problems he has wrestled with are inhereted from the previous administration i.e. Osama Bin Hidin, unemployment, inflation. The real point is that he was the lesser of two evils, Kerry being the worst option imaginable. He probably would try to finance the terrorists. There is no more noble cause for a leader than to protect the innocent unborn, which Bush has done. He has the character and fortitude to remain solid in his convictions, weathering all sorts of slander and mischaracterizations. Best of all...he pisses all you liberals off. Damn, I think he%26#039;s the best.|||Not just a failure, but the biggest failure in history.|||success ,especially if he goes down in history and on Laura at the same time.|||I do not know where you get your facts, but the stock market is in record territory and unemployment is less than 4 percent. and killing terrorist that want to come here and kill you and your family is a great thing. Killing them over there is a great thing. You need to stay away from the kool aid.|||History have been wrote by winners...not by loosers (until some years with %26quot;revisionist%26quot; media...) so I guess it will be the winners of the war against terrorism who will decide if President Bush will be remembered as a success or a failure.

A success if we win.

A failure if we lose.|||Bush is a success! I voted for him twice and would again if I could!

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