Saturday, July 11, 2009

Have you thanked our two term President lately?

For keeping us safe: No terror attacks on USA soil since 9/11

Economy: 9 Million well paying jobs created since 2003. A very Low 4.6% unemployment rate!

Restoring Honor %26amp; Dignity back to the White House after the impeached Clinton.

Have you thanked our two term President lately?loan rates

AMEN!!! Thank you President Bush!!

Have you thanked our two term President lately? loan

Yes, my kids and grandkids will thank him once they see the bill for the Iraq war.

EDIT: Rich people are also the biggest beneficiaries of taxes, since many of them get huge subsidies for their businesses and many of them also benefit from the government%26#039;s sale of public lands and resources (especially during the current administration). You shouldn%26#039;t assume that because someone criticizes the Bush administration, that automatically makes them a liberal. By the way, this deficit should have you worried, unless of course, you are not a real conservative.

Troll!|||Its easy to have money when you borrow, a truely strong economy is built on productivity.|||Yes. I am very proud of our president and am going to be sad to see him go.

I love the way he looks at Laura, it shows want kind of man he is.|||%26quot;no terrorists attacks on USA soil since 9/11%26quot;

it%26#039;s not like terrorists attacks on the country were an everyday occurence before 9/ many times do i have to tell you this.

as for the economy, the government is about 1 tril dollars in debt. a low unemployment rate doesn%26#039;t necessarily constitute a good economy|||George W. Bush is America%26#039;s all-time worst 2 term president. I%26#039;m starting to question your sanity, if you think that President Bush has done a good job in his time in office. You obviously aren%26#039;t a common sense type of conservative.|||I am thankful everyday that we are safe, and that no scandals have been implicated in the White House.|||Hahahahahaa,Good one, hahahaha you%26#039;re funny, Hahahahaa..Keep %26#039;em coming...|||Nope but i have thanks the Lord that its almost over. He really doesn%26#039;t do a thing for me so i have not reason to thank him. Maybe is he passed me the salt at dinner or something but no I have had not reason to thank him.

Hey lets not knock starbucks now I like there coffee.|||no terror attacks since 911? anthrax?|||Thank him for what?

For the near $9 trillion dollar national debt and the huge trade deficits we have now?

For the US dollar now being weaker than the Canadaian dollar?

For his promises to veto a children%26#039;s healthcare bill?

For his runaway spending habits?

For the endless scandals coming from his inner circle and his party?

For his increasing of the power and size of the federal government while attepmting to take away states%26#039; rights?

For using the non-existent threat of Saddam Hussein%26#039;s non-existent mushroom cloud to scare us into suppporting his war?

For promoting amnesty for illegal immigrants?

No, I don%26#039;t see myself thanking him anytime soon.

Honor and diginty my achin%26#039; ***!|||Well first no there have not been any terrorist attacks since 9/11 but I consider that luck. We need to bump up our security A LOT more because there is definitely a problem when anyone who wants to can just cross our borders. If people think the war in Iraq is keeping us safe isn%26#039;t. Second, people%26#039;s jobs are STILL being sent to China and Clinton managed to keep the unemployment rate low his entire presidency, Bush just got it back down after 7 years in office. Third what honor and dignity? What about Bush lying to Congress about Iraq, pardoned his personal friend Scooter Libby who committed a serious crime, his cabinet is corrupt, Alberto Gonzales scandal and Bush lies to America time after time.|||Dictator Dumbya was NEVER elected. He should be %26quot;thanked%26quot; with a life sentence in a super max, no parole.|||Oh thanks for reminding me!

Mr. President, thanks for all you have done for this great nation. One last favor if you don%26#039;t mind? accept Cheney%26#039;s resignation, then resign. go fishing or out to lunch or some thing? and please stay away from politics,Thank u sir.

Edit: 9 Mil, good paying job since 2003? 2003? 2003?remember now not 2000? but 2003?

well, i guess we are going to have a long line of people applying for unemployment soon? low 4.6% unemp. rate? well hell.....?

Restoring honor and lablala? far out dudes?

btw: do you work for the company?

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