Saturday, July 11, 2009

Is the media trying to fake a recession?

I keep hearing strangely worded headlines especially on the Yahoo! home page. The first one was %26quot;Largest Financial Overhaul Since the Great Depression%26quot; The next one today .. up now is %26quot;Unemployment rate highest in two years%26quot;

These articles just seem kinda mediocre and bogus.

Is the media trying to fake a recession?

Just read a report by an independent study group that said economic news is reported differently depending on the party in power. If a democrat is in the White House the media says the future is bright......things are getting better...... BUT if a Republican is in the White House.... the EXACT SAME conditions are reported as economic doom.... we are about to suffer tragic recession / depression

This is the second independent study in six months to statistically verify the liberal bias of the media

Sadly often these %26quot;predictions%26quot; are self fullfilling prophesies.....the media creates the recession or boom by what they report......instead of reporting it they make it happen

Is the media trying to fake a recession?


Duh we are in a recession and have been for the past year.|||If you can not see that a serious recession is looming, it is time to take off those rose colored glasses.

All the indicators point towards one, and it is not too far off.|||It%26#039;s quite obvious that the MSM is working to convince people that we are already in a recession, even though we have not even had 1 quarter of negative growth. It takes 2 consecutive quarters to make a recession. This seems to be tied into the whole Presidential campaign as it give lots of ammo to the LibDems Clinton and Obama against the %26quot;evil%26quot; Republicans.....and people deny that the MSM (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN) is very left leaning, and attempting to further the Liberal agenda.|||You know what - I TOTALLY AGREE!

The same is happening here in the UK. I%26#039;m not denying that our economy is not at its healthiest, but by no means are we facing a financial meltdown. Everyday I hear the same thing - that I have been hearing since 2002, that there will be a recession in the future according to prominent economists at the city. Luckily I ignored it then, and today I%26#039;ll do the same. I was stuck and decided to buy a house, and my dad kept telling me not to because apparently %26#039;the house prices are gonna fall%26#039; but what happened - 6 years on and thier still growing and last year i brought another house.

Sometimes it makes me laugh, because the recession always seems to be %26#039;tomorrow%26#039;, and then when it doesn%26#039;t come, its like - %26#039;oh, hold on, one more day it%26#039;ll come!%26#039;.

Some people say DOOMSDAY will come %26#039;tomorrow%26#039; aswell, but its always tomorrow. I%26#039;m fed up and don%26#039;t bother absorbing this crap, and I%26#039;m glad you asked such a good question, because i thought I was the only one who thought like this.|||Maybe where you live you don%26#039;t see it. I do. In my town all kinds of businesses are closing down and people are losing their jobs left and right. Also, the price of food, gas and utilities is getting way out of control and people are having a hard time affording those things. I guess some towns are richer than others.

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