Saturday, July 11, 2009

Should Iraq be Spending Their $60 Billion Dollar Budget Surplus Instead of American Treasure?

Iraq currently has a $60 Billion dollar surplus in THEIR budget. Should they be spending their surplus instead of relying 100% on American funds to fund their intiatives including construction problems?

Couldn%26#039;t we %26#039;better%26#039; use our troops in Afganastan and other %26#039;hot%26#039; spots and our treasure on American problems?

Iraq has a 40% Unemployment rate - should they use their %26#039;surplus%26#039; population to defend themselves rather than depending on US Troops to %26#039;watch dog%26#039; them?

Should Iraq be Spending Their $60 Billion Dollar Budget Surplus Instead of American Treasure?

yes they should . and the Iraq government need to start paying back the billions this country have spent on them maybe beef up they%26#039;re oil production to the USA

Should Iraq be Spending Their $60 Billion Dollar Budget Surplus Instead of American Treasure? loan

they probably just want to mooch of off the US for as long as possbile... get as much money as you can...|||No, they should stay unemployed so that gasoline can be high and George Pubic Bush%26#039;s friends can scoop the loot.|||Where did the expression %26quot;treasure%26quot; come from? I hear it on the news, and everybody repeats what the news says verbatim. If I hear %26quot;boots on the ground%26quot; one more time, I%26#039;m gonna lose it. Think for yourself sometimes.

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