Saturday, July 11, 2009

How can we get food-aid to starving people in Haiti?

In a country where most people live on less than $2 per day, with an unemployment rate in excess of 70%, in a good year, 1 in 5 babies born in Haiti die. Recently, because of the economic instability in our area of the world, food prices in Haiti have more than doubled. There are riots in the streets as I write this because people just don%26#039;t have money to buy food.

What can we do to help? There are international organizations that help starving people in Africa. What can I do to bring attention to the fact that hungry, dying people need food aid? Who can I contact? If you have ANY information to help me help these people, please, please, share with me.

How can we get food-aid to starving people in Haiti?

Jv I appreciate your interest in helping my country however you might be the last person who can help us.What comes next when you finish giving the food you are talking about? In Haiti we need jobs, education for our youth so we can make our own food. If you feed us today, who is going to do it tomorrow? Like Sophie said, let us learn to fish so we can get our fish whenever the need comes.

if you really want to help Haiti, ask your government and the WTO to allow the government to reopen the market that the Haitians government used to subsidize. Tell your media to stop lying about Haiti and to stop trashing the country so Foreign entrepreneur can come and invest there so we can have jobs like the telephone company DIGICEL did. Tell the UN to take the useless force keepers out of Haiti and use the money that they are paying their rapist tourist soldiers to create jobs. Tell the imperialist countries to lift their secret embargo on Haiti. No foreigners can help Haiti. It is the local government that needs the guts to stand against the imperialist countries that have been oppressing Haiti from the colonial period till today. Tell them to stop giving coup d鈥檈tat to democratic governments that try to help the poor. You have no right to tell that Haiti is abusing human right giving that your country expelled an elected government 4 years ago. You are the wrong person to talk about democracy. Go check in history and see which government supported the illegal junta that led Haiti in 1994. Albert fish can you please tell me who made me starve in 1993-92 because of an imperialist embargo?The international world, put an embargo on the country because the authority were criminal soldiers but the same people who put the embargo were backing up these soldiers with oil while the population was starving. Yes you foreigner are feed criminals and let innocent people die. Ask who started to mess up the structure of the Haitian government from 1915 till today. I am sorry but we do not trust foreigners in Haiti because they took too much away from us. By the way, tell your people to stop sending guns to Haiti. Oh did you know that they also trained the rebels who kick Aristide out in 2004? Did you know that they also train the militaries who did the coup in 1994?Talking about human right, did you know that Emanuel Constant, a Haitian criminal , who was in the macoute with papa doc, raped, stole, kill people in Haiti but now he is peacefuly living in the US? Did you know that some US officials came to arrest Guy Philipe,a Haitian rebel/for mer soldier because he is accused of drug dealing while nothing has been done to try the assasin whose name is Constant

I would like to tell Sophie that when the Haitian cut down the trees it was not because they did not want reforestation but because they had no resources. In a country where a bonbonn of gaz cost more than two month salary for some people do you expect them to use something else than charcoal? As you said you cannot keep feeding someone with fish, you need to teach them how to catch the fish themselves. The international organizations, whether you call them donor or NGO, never helped Haiti. When they say that they give $20 000 to the country, the money goes to corrupted politician supported by those international donors. When they say that they are building a road in Haiti which have not happen for years, they hire workers and engineer from other countries to do the job. So how can you say that you help local people? If they had used this money to instruct local engineer and other intellectual, they would not have to hire foreigners. Alber fish, you should go back to school because you are a plain ignorant. People are dying of hunger not because the planet is overpopulated but because there is a disparity in the distribution of the resources in the world. Of course we have scarcity but when you see how much cr@p you waste in the US and other developed countries, you have the proof that they could go and be used somewhere else. Why do some people have 5 tv in their home while others can鈥檛 afford one? Is it because there are to many people asking for tv or because some people have more than they need? You said Haitians are need for you but it was not a Haitian who came to beg for help here. It was a foreigner who asked the question and screw you @$$ hole. We are not useful anymore after you sucked the $h!t out of us. Now it鈥檚 Afghanistan and Irak that are useful right? I bet that you will say the same thing about Afg.. and Irak in 20 years when you

finish sucking their ressources

How can we get food-aid to starving people in Haiti?


CARE The Red Cross|||If I remember correctly... Haiti was the country that denuded itself of hardwood forests to make charcoal.. and then when international foundations came in too stop the erosion by planting new trees, they cut the saplings to make charcoal also.......

You can feed a man a fish for a day or teach him to fish for a lifetime.....|||The planet is overpopulated anyway. Why help more humans survive? Hatians barely participate in the global economy and don%26#039;t develop new technologies or make scientific discoveries, so they%26#039;re of no use to us.|||My church sent a bag of Rice to Haiti. It was a big bag.|||Many churches run schools and missions in Haiti. I go to a Lutheran church that sponsors one, but pretty much any of the major churches will have more info, depending on your preferences.|||The problem is not whether we can support it or not but making sure that that the support doesn%26#039;t fall in the wrong hand.

How do we know that our support are not ending up in market like in North Korea?|||It is a problem in most poor countries. Well they aren%26#039;t really poor the ones in power aren%26#039;t! You can lead a horse to water but you can%26#039;t make them drink.

We have so many children that are starving in our own country and that is where we need to solve the problem first.

Laziness and lack of education that%26#039;s what it boils down to.

I have seen so many people here in the US living off the government cause it%26#039;s easier. Or in some cases better way of life for most. A person on welfare gets as much cash and food stamps as a person working a min. wage job. To top this off they get a medical card that covers all cost. Now the person that is out there trying to work and support their families on a min wage job can%26#039;t afford medical for their family. And Lord help them if they get sick and can%26#039;t go into work that day for they cannot afford to go to the doctor and they lose a days pay! So you tell me what is our government telling these people? The fact is we need to take care of our problems first and when we come up with a solution maybe then we are more capable to help others in need. Don%26#039;t get me wrong I am as giving a person as the next. I feel and I cry and I hurt for those poor people in all the countries that the government lines their pockets with cash and their people with poverty and sickness.

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