Saturday, July 11, 2009

What do you know about out sourcing and the effect it has on our economy?

3.2 Million Americans lost jobs due to out sourcing.Meaning the jobs closed down here and reopened in another country.The stock exchange shows our economy as good because these companies are doing great in sales and making huge profits because of the cheaper labor overseas.While our unemployment rate is low the people themselves are working lower paying jobs in the service industry.Thus creating many home foreclosures etc.So what do you think of out sourcing?

What do you know about out sourcing and the effect it has on our economy?

I think you can thank Clinton%26#039;s passing NAFTA:

Clinton is the corporate fascist darling who got all Reagan and Bush%26#039;s dirty work finally accomplished for them.

But at least Reagan got all the family farms killed and got agribusiness going.

What a great American hero.

It was going on before, actually, steadily for the last 30 or so years that we were losing manufacturing jobs,

But thanks to NAFTA being passed, our manufacturing jobs who employed millions of blue collar workers left in scores.

We will one day be living in an elitist society and everyone else will be flipping burgers for one another.

I suppose the corporations never have to worry if we%26#039;ll be able to afford their products made by slave labor,

....that%26#039;s what the multibillion dollar credit card corporations are for.

What do you know about out sourcing and the effect it has on our economy?


I am vehemently opposed to it. Of course, as a programmer, it%26#039;s easy for me to be opposed to having software engineering jobs offshored to India and Russia, but I also work against offshoring other work, like call center jobs. For example, my %26quot;hometown%26quot; airline, Delta -- the last time I called, I was placed on hold for ten minutes, THEN I got to speak to a rep in India. The first thing out of my mouth was %26quot;kindly transfer me to an agent in the United States.%26quot; Conversely, American Airlines, my call was immediately transferred to a rep in the United States. Guess which airline I fly now?

In cases where I%26#039;m stuck with the offshore call center rep, I am respectful that this person is just feeding his/her family. However I will say something like %26quot;Hey, when you have a moment, why don%26#039;t you Google for %26#039;collective bargaining%26#039;?%26quot; Planting the seeds of discontent. Excellent.|||it took the jobs which also took the money that can no longer be spent here which means higher prices for everyone else and a little thing called a recession|||Outsourcing would actually be good it the jobs stayed in this country. There are many examples where outsourcing is positive, particularly in the HR fields and payroll services.

The problems arise when production is outsourced to labor in another country. It leaves an entire class in America jobless.|||i think its the logical conclusion to unions attempting to hold companies for ransom for unrealistic wages and benifits. the reason why european economies are surapassing the us is liberal involvemnt in restricitng trade and wages instead of job retraining and tax credit. a perfect example is the pelosi/reid regimes ridiculous attempt to prop up farming by eliminating the new energy oil exploration credit. rather than beat up businesses as most liberals do, a more effective way to stem this problem is to look at job retraining and wage support tied to rehire rather than unemployment.|||Corporations act as the primary vehicle for the plutocrats to maintain their economic tyranny over US citizens, and much of the rest of humanity. Operating with many of the legal rights of a human being, the corporation provides an ideal shield behind which the wealthy can evade personal responsibility for raping the earth, plundering the public treasury, enslaving the populace with artificially low wages, abusing human rights, and forming complex, incestuous networks with governments.

Wal-Mart leads the charge in corporate suppression of employee compensation and workers%26#039; rights, and has done significant damage to the US economy. This corporate behemoth is the largest private sector employer in the US, with 1.2 million employees. Their power to influence the US economy is significant, and they have grossly abused that power. Average wages at Wal-Mart are significantly less than those paid by comparable employers for similar work. To avoid offering benefits, Wal-Mart maintains a work-force that is one third part time. They have aggressively fought unionization, which would essentially force them to pay fair wages and offer decent benefits. (What a blow to America it would be if Wal-Mart allowed a socialist entity to slither into their capitalist organization and demand that they treat their employees like human beings). Wal-Mart%26#039;s buying power and draconian demands for cheap goods have caused many suppliers to go out of business or move their operations overseas where labor is less expensive. Revealing the lie behind their %26quot;Buy American%26quot; propaganda of the 1990%26#039;s, Wal-Mart buys billions of dollars worth of goods from China each year ($15 billion in 2004). When Wal-Mart opens a store in a small community, they often put virtually every competitor out of business, leaving the local citizens dependent upon them for both employment and the purchase of necessities. Once Wal-Mart becomes their largest of sole employer, local governments are subject to the tyranny of the Bentonville Behemoth. I didn%26#039;t realize their %26quot;always low prices%26quot; could be so expensive.|||i think it%26#039;s one of the worst things we can do for our economy....

yes, big businesses will make a lot in the short run...but once the nations they outsource to catch up to us and start asking for more money they will be out of luck...even before that, they will be sorry when every person that could afford their products in the first place are fired because their job went to India.|||People are losing their homes and are living in their cars. This country can no longer stand the greedy fascist policies of the Neoconservatives. Write to your senate and tell them.|||Ever since NAFTA, which caused me to change from democrat to independent, I am totally against free trade. The trade agreements we now have in place in America are the cause of huge deficits yet allow business to practice some of the most underhanded, unethical, morally repugnant behavior to attack middle-class America primarily and the poorest among us secondarily. It was basically the start of government allowing big business to say to its workers if you don%26#039;t compete with illegal labor or cheap foreign labor, you WILL lose your job and we will say we are doing what is necessary to survive in the global atmosphere of trade. I could almost believe some of that if it were not for the fact that executive level management, say ten people, probably pull out more than a half billion dollars a year from said companies. Don%26#039;t tell me I have to compete with forced communist workers while the CEO is compensated to the tune of one hundred million in a single year, one person. Our economy appears to be healthy if you measure it using the DOW. If you look under the covers, the patient is sick and getting worse. Home foreclosures up, credit card debt up, gasoline, insurance, medicine, health care and the endless list goes on and on. When most of the American jobs are outsourced, where will we be as a country?|||As someone that runs a company let me tell you this. Out sourcing has some real benefits for a company. HR and IT are good to out source as they are generally non value added parts of a business. As has been stated there are many types of out sourcing and not all are bad. The reality here is that the U.S. consumer wants everything now and everything cheap. This is because they are living beyond their means and they need cheap. The U.S. consumer is unwilling to support their standard of living. It now costs more to produce anything here because we want to make a good wage and that is fine. The problem really is that if the U.S. product is higher in price the consumer won%26#039;t buy it in most cases. I see and hear the complaining from the same people that drive their import car to fill with import gas to go home to sit on their import couch and watch their import TV while talking on their import phone. In this import age companies have to compete with what the market is offering. The market is offering cheap imports so you go that direction or go out of business. Poltians have sold the maufacturing base down the river and that is a fact. People cry and moan and blame companies for all of this and they are just wrong. We are no longer a producing nation, we are a consuming nation and we want to consume at the lowest price. There are two schools of thought here that anyone wanting to make money needs to think of. Do you want to be the person that manufactures things or do you want to be the one that sells things? I am a seller because we will manufacture less and less as time goes by, but no matter where it comes from it still needs to be sold.

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