Saturday, July 11, 2009

How did Sea Power in WWII bring the U.S. into one of its biggest economic Boom?

what was the record employment and unemployment rate in U.S. during WWII, Great Depression, and after WWIII?

How did it bring the Women into the labor force?

How did it push the U.S. into a manufacturing country?

How did Sea Power in WWII bring the U.S. into one of its biggest economic Boom?

Another semi intelligent question.

The shipbuilding industry created thousands of jobs and women had to fill the mens shoes when they went into the services

The US was a safe place to build ships and the demand for cheap and nasties was high. The famous %26quot;Liberty Ship was a one voyage wonder because that was all it was designed for and many were sunk because of poor design and faulty construction %26quot;en route%26quot; maiden voyage.

It didn%26#039;t change the US from chasing the almighty dollar.

How did Sea Power in WWII bring the U.S. into one of its biggest economic Boom?


Looks like Satan waited till the last minute to do his homework. Shame,shame!|||ok the reason why the employment rate went up for women is because most of the men were off at war so they had to fill in their spots. The women pretty much built tanks and made ammunition for the war. We needed to build more factories to keep up with the demand of weapons and vehicles for the war.

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